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Spaying and Neutering FAQs

Both spaying and castration are common procedures that help prevent overpopulation among domestic animals and the pet population in specific regions. Whether you've recently adopted a kitten or you want your cat to remain protected whenever outdoors or with other cats, The Cat Practice can help. Understanding basic cat spaying and cat castration FAQs can help you feel much more at ease once it's time for you to schedule your cat's appointment at a local cat veterinarian near you in Oak Park, IL.

Spay and Neuter FAQs

What Is the Difference Between Spaying and Castrating a Cat?

Spaying is the process of removing a female feline's uterus and ovaries. Castration is the procedure of completely removing a male cat's testicles.

Why Is It Recommended to Spay and Neuter My Cat?

Most veterinary practices today will emphasize the importance of spaying and castrating your cats, as it can help prevent overpopulation and overcrowding among the local cat population. Additionally, spaying and castration can also help reduce aggression, marking, infections, and in some cases, even eliminate the risk for certain cancers.

How Long Does the Spaying and Castration Cat Surgery Process Take?

With castration, you can expect the procedure to take between 5 and 20 minutes in total. Spaying generally requires a bit more time and may take anywhere between 20 and 90 minutes to complete, as spaying is a more invasive procedure than castration.

When Should I Have My Cat Neutered or Spayed?

Kittens can be neutered as soon as 2  months as long as they are over 2 lbs (which is when most shelters will do the surgery). We usually do surgery at 4 months as long as they are at least 4 lbs. We try to spay the females before they enter their first heat, which is usually around 6 months.

How Long Does It Take for a Pet to Recover from Spaying or castration?

Your pet will require limited physical activity for a few days to a week after surgery. Typically, your pet's normal behaviors will resume after this period.

If you're a cat owner, and you're interested in learning more about cat spaying, cat castration, or even what is involved in cat surgery near you, The Cat Practice is here for you. If you're searching for a veterinarian and animal clinic you can trust caring for your cats in Oak Park, IL, turn to The Cat Practice for all your spaying, castration, and surgical needs.